Saturday, April 16, 2016

Inspirational shorts stories

Inspirational short stories

Today around us are a lot of things which effects badly on our success, career or making dreams come true, so we need some inspirational short stories to become motivated and continue fight. So I decided to write and share my short inspirational short stories with you also here are some short stories with moral. So come and read this article if you want motivation.
First story from series of inspirational short stories is:
My master used to talk a lot of about the affection distorts the perception in our class. One day my friend who was also his student got an amazing example, proving those words. It happened when my friend was walking in the school hall and heard the Master talking to one mother:
– How is your son living?
– Oh my son, my dear son! She is very happy. She has a wonderful wife! She gave him a car, bought her new house in New-York that he dreamed about, hired servants for him. They serve her breakfast in bed and do everything what they order, and he stays in bed until noon. She’s not an only wife, but a prize!
– And how’s your daughter?
– My poor girl! She married a real grouch! She gave him everything that he wanted: a car, a house in England, an army of servants. And he is lying in bed until noon! And doesn’t even get up to work and earn some money!

This was a story with some moral, that sometimes we do everything for our lovely people and they don’t appreciation it.
The Travelers and The Plane Tree
It was summer afternoon and two men were walking. It was very hot to go a further and suddenly they saw a large plane tree near them, they went there and threw themselves on the ground to rest I the tree shade. One man was gazing up into the branches and said to other man: “it’s very useless tree. It does not have any fruit or nut that we can eat.” Resulted the tree replied this man: “Don’t be so ungrateful, I am very useful to you at this moment, I am shielding you from very hot sun, and you think that I am useless.”

My friends this was one story from inspirational short stories series and I think very useful and motivational. From this moral story I learned that sometimes we did good things and it is unnoticed from others but trust me there are people who can see this and don’t stop doing kind things keep doing, because everything is valuable.

Boy’s Job Appraisal
For me end of this story was unexpexted I was surprised by what this girl did, for me it’s one of the best inspirational short story.
Once a little girl went into a store, reached for a carton and pulled it over where the telephone was. She climbed onto this carton and after this she could reach the buttons on the telephone and dialled number. The store-owner who was near this girl was observing this and listened to the conversation.
Girl: ‘Sir, Can you give me the job of cutting your lawn?
Man: (he is other end of the phone line): ‘I am so sorry, I already have someone to cut my lawn.’
Girls: ‘Sir, I can cut your lawn for half the price of the person who cuts your lawn now.’
Man: I don’t need someone new, because I’m very satisfied with the person who is presently cutting my lawn.
Girl: (with more perseverance): ‘Sir, I also can sweep your curb and your sidewalk.
Man: No, I don’t need someone new. Thank you.
The girl with a smile on his face, replaced the receiver. The store-owner, who was near this girl and listening to all this, walked over to the girl.
Store Owner: ‘My daughter… I like your attitude; I think you have positive spirit and would like to offer you a job.’
Girl: ‘No thanks.’
Store Owner was surprised by this answer: But you were really pleading for one.
Girl: No Sir, I was just checking my performance at the Job I already have. I am the one who is working for that lady I was talking to!’

My friends that’s all what I write for today I hope this was helpful inspirational short stories, and I will continue writing also some moral stories.

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